德國汽車工業聯合會汽車工業質量標準VDA19 (道路車輛-液壓管路部件清潔度 / Road vehicles —Cleanliness of component of fluid Circuits / Prüfung der Technischen Sauberkeit Partikelverunreinigung functions — relevanter Automobilteile) 在當代制造業變革跨越式進步浪潮中,日益凸顯出彌足珍貴的實踐價值。
第一章 全球化視界 — 采摘行動級管理碩果
1.1 東西方迥異的工程思維習慣
基于流程的思維 基于知識和經驗的思維
1.2 軟科學判讀 —東西方差異與契合區
1.3 現代管理精髓 —執行部
執行手筋 貝斯特做法 行動標桿
1.4 現代管理判讀技能
權變管理流程 權變鐵三角 外語障礙者技巧
1.5 企業非財務成本
變革 信用 時間 機遇 溝通 健康
當代全球先進標準體系識讀 VDA標準體系識讀
第二章 VDA19 行動級解析
2.1 術語和定義
Vocabulary definition used in particulate contamination of parts, components, sub- assemblies & assemblies constituting fluid circuits road vehicles. It covers the whole amount and nature of residual particulate contaminants resulting from whole manufacturing processes and from environment.
2.2 污染微粒攪拌萃取方法
Method of extraction of contaminants by agitation
Description to principles of extraction of contaminants from the component by agitation, preferably applied to components hollow and suited to being agitated by operator or appropriate mechanical device, that can be employed on its own or in association with other methods.
Extraction of contaminants by pressure rinsing
Description to principles of extraction of contaminants from a component by pressure rinsing, preferably applied to components of which surface to be examined is accessible by a jet of test liquid, that can be employed on its own or in association with other methods.
2.4 污染微粒超聲技術萃取
Extraction of contaminants by ultrasonic techniques
Principles of extraction of contaminants from component either by immersion in ultrasonic bath or by applying ultrasonic vibrations directly via sonotrodes, preferably applied to small and medium sized components of various geometry of which both internal and/or external surfaces are examined, that can be used on its own or in association with other methods. It’s also applicable to small parts to be analyzed in batches.
Extraction of contaminants on functional test bench
Extraction of contaminants by test on a laboratory functional test bench with the test liquid flowing under pressure or under vacuum that applicable to both active and passive components through which the fluid can easily flow covering appearance defects or contamination by liquid or gaseous materials. It covers the amount and the nature of residual particles resulting from manufacturing processes and from the environment.
2.6 重量分析法測量顆粒質量
Particle mass determination by gravimetric analysis
Determination to mass of particulate contamination by gravimetric analysis. Contaminants are separated from the extraction liquid by filtration. It applies to automotive components in contact with a fluid. It covers the amount of residual particulate contaminants resulting from manufacturing processes and from the environment.
2.7 顯微分析顆粒大小與計數
Particle sizing and counting by microscopic analysis
Methods for determining the size and number of contaminant particles, which have been extracted from components and deposited on the surface of a membrane filter, as determined by using either a light optical microscope or a scanning electron microscope. These analyses can be performed either manually or fully automatically using Image Analysis techniques if the appropriate equipment is available.
2.8 顯微分析顆粒性質
Particle nature determination by microscopic analysis
Method for determining the nature of contaminant particles by identifying their elemental chemical composition using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in combination with a scanning electron microscope. The contaminant particles are extracted from automotive parts or components and deposited on the surface of a membrane filter. This measurement gives the elemental composition of the particles analyzed.
2.9 自動消光儀測量顆粒大小與計數
Particle sizing & counting by auto-light-extinction counter
Methods for determining the size distribution of particulate contaminants extracted from automotive components using techniques described in 2.3, 2.5, using automatic light extinction particle counter instruments. This method only applies to the analysis of the whole volume of extraction liquid where only applicable to measuring particles contained in clear, single phase liquids.
2.10 表述結果
expression of results
Definition to rules and forms of expression and presentation of results of measurements of particulate cleanliness of components for the fluid circuits of motor vehicles, and definition to a cleanliness coding system for simplifying the reporting and communication of contamination data. The 2.10 also defines the rules to be used for specifying cleanliness requirements.
第三章 引領與助推 —VDA19實施行動
3.1 企業組織機構
3.2 企業項目管理
3.3 企業研發創新模式
3.4 企業團隊
挑戰型團隊 學習型團隊 智能型團隊
3.5 夯實供應鏈
跨行業壟斷 供應鏈優化
可行/最優/*方案 數據/模型/刀手
第(di)四(si)章(zhang) 研討(tao)總(zong)結(jie)互勉
已(yi)開課時間Have start time
- 龘衛
- 工程質量獎策劃及專利論文編 鄭(zheng)文強
- 10KV配電工程施工管理 魏(wei)及淇
- 工程索賠與簽證管理實務 魏及淇
- 電力建設工程類項目施工與采 魏(wei)及淇(qi)
- 業務管理人員的工程項目審計 于洪成
- 國際EPC工程總承包倉儲管 鄭文強
- 《推陳出新、創新突破》 — 陳紅
- 非洲地區工程領域經營形勢解 鄭文(wen)強
- 國際工程EPC總承包采購管 鄭文強
- 《精益求精——項目整體工程 陳紅
- 《發包方在建設工程招標階段 陳紅(hong)
- 核電工程甲方投資管理人員培 鄭文(wen)強